Long hours sitting at a desk and reduced physical activity can often lead to knee pain. Mild to moderate knee pain can be eliminated by incorporating some simple stretches and exercises into your routine. Here’s a quick guide to some basic stretches that can help manage knee pain:
Knee To Chest Stretch
Lie on the back with your legs outstretched. Join both legs, fold them, and bring the knees as close to the chest as possible. Count till ten and relax again. Repeat this exercise 5 times.
Knee Extension
Start by sitting on a chair. Avoid slouching; the back must be straight. Ensure that the knee is bent at a ninety-degree angle. Now, slowly lift the leg and straighten the knee as much as possible. Hold for 5 seconds before bringing it back down. Repeat this exercise 5-10 times on each side.
Straight Leg Raise With Chair
The setup of this exercise is similar to that of the knee extension exercise. Place two chairs facing each other. Sit on one chair with the spine straight. Extend the right leg while keeping it straight such that it rests on the chair in front. Hold for ten seconds before releasing. Repeat this exercise ten times with each leg.
Knee Stretch
Lie on the back with both legs bent. Gently lift the right leg and cross it over the other leg so the right ankle is on the left thigh. Now grab the left thigh and pull it towards your chest. Hold this stretch for 5 seconds before releasing. Repeat this exercise ten times on each side.
Unweighted Flexion
Stand behind a chair and use it for balance. Flex the left leg towards the back side until the knee is at a ninety-degree angle. Hold this for ten seconds. Repeat this exercise ten times for each leg.
Hamstring Stretch
Sit on the floor. Make sure both legs are straight. Bend the right leg in a way that the right knee touches the left knee. With both hands out, gently stretch ahead, try to touch the toes, and hold it for ten seconds before slowly releasing. Repeat this 5 times before switching to the other leg.
Leg Raise
Lie on your back. Bend one leg while keeping the other stretched out. Slowly and steadily lift the stretched leg up in the air. Make sure it remains straight. Go as high as possible without feeling discomfort. Repeat ten times before switching to the other leg.
If these exercises don’t help, consider visiting a doctor or a trained medical professional.