A migraine attack in the middle of the day can be an extremely unpleasant experience. General sensitivity to light and sound, fatigue, nausea, and throbbing pain are common symptoms of a migraine attack. While it is not possible to eliminate migraine attacks, there are some reliable ways of soothing pain and discomfort. Here are some popular scientific home remedies that can help alleviate migraine-related irritation.
Minimize Light And Sound Exposure
Many migraine patients experience increased sensitivity to light and sound. Resting in a dark, quiet room helps minimize such discomfort. One should also avoid television and phone screens.
Use An Ice Pack
Placing an ice pack on the eyes can help relieve pain and irritation. Take quick breaks to lie in a quiet and dark room and place the ice pack on the eyes. Many patients use an ice hat every time a migraine hits. An ice hat is designed to ensure one does not need to take time off from their usual activities to lie down. It can be placed on the head and eyes while sitting upright.
Take A Nap
Anyone who has had a migraine attack knows the power of sleep. However, getting a migraine attack in the middle of the day means you cannot fall asleep and make it go away. In such situations, it’s best to accommodate short naps in quiet spaces. Short naps will help one get through the day with minimal discomfort.
Use Green Light
Buy a green light bulb and put it in a lamp. Spend some time relaxing near the lamp whenever a migraine strikes. Research has proven that exposure to green light can alleviate migraine-related pain and discomfort.
Stay Calm
Relaxing is the number one remedy for calming migraine-related symptoms. When a body is in pain or discomfort, it tends to be in a ‘flight or fight’ mode. So it becomes crucial to ensure that the body and mind are as stable and relaxed as possible. Use meditation apps, breathing exercises, and other relaxing techniques to keep the mind at ease. It’s always good to consult a psychologist who can prescribe relaxation techniques that work best for the patient.
Aromatherapy can help alleviate migraine headaches. Research has shown that applying lavender and peppermint oils on your wrists or temples can reduce pain and discomfort. Alternatively, one can buy essential oil sticks or infusion kits.